Burnout to Breakthrough:
A Career Change Workshop for Teachers
Are you a teacher feeling burnt out and contemplating a career change? Join us as we delve into the world of burnout, explore alternative career options for educators, and guide you through the decision-making process.
Tuesday, September 26th, 2023
7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific
7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific
During this webinar, we will:
Explore a variety of alternative career options both within and outside of education.
Provide you with a broader perspective and inspiring new possibilities.
Guide you through the decision-making process, with an emphasis on
mental-health and wellbeing.
Offer valuable insights and strategies to help you make informed choices.
Explore practical steps to consider before deciding to make a career change.
Empower you to evaluate your priorities and create a roadmap for a successful transition.
and so much more...
See what other teachers had to say about our free webinars:
Attendee Bonus: Teacher’s Guide to Alternative Careers: A Comprehensive Directory