Free for a Limited Time - Download Today!

This free template will give you a clean, professional format for your cover letter that will help you stand out from the pile of other applicants!

BONUS VIDEO: Expert cover letter strategies and tips that explain the "why" behind this template and set you up for success.

This template and video will:
* Take the hassle out of writing an impactful cover letter
* Give you easy prompts to help you a create impact
* Showcase copywriting Best Practices to sell yourself
* WOW employers with your clean and succinct wording
* Turn weak statements into Power Statements
* Show & Tell you where to customize your cover for each job

*free for a limited time, for the first 100 educators.

Grab Your Free Cover Letter Template Today! 

A Note from Lisa...

With over 14 years of experience in EdTech executive roles, I've mentored numerous transitioning teachers. After my own career transition, I recognized the need for reliable support in helping teachers transition careers. That’s why I founded the Teacher Career Transition Academy, a collaborative effort involving certified career coaches, resume professionals, industry leading executives, and life coaches.   This Alternative Career Directory was curated to help you explore and narrow down potential careers.

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