Lisa Harding

5 Signs You Might be Facing Imposter Syndrome During Your Career Transition

Making the transition from teaching to a new career is an exciting yet stressful journey. While your teaching experience has equipped you with numerous skills, it's not uncommon to encounter feelings of uncertainty and imposter syndrome during this transition period. 

Imposter syndrome, a phenomenon experienced by many, can be particularly prevalent for teachers venturing into new career paths. Here are five signs that imposter syndrome may be creeping in: 

1. Seeking validation for everything

Do you constantly find yourself seeking validation from others, even after receiving multiple interviews and positive feedback? Despite external recognition, you might feel that there must be something wrong and doubt your worthiness of these opportunities. You may attribute your success to luck or believe that you were simply in the right place at the right time. 

2. Overworking yourself

The pressure to prove your competence and dispel any perceived inadequacies can lead you to overwork yourself. You might feel compelled to go above and beyond, taking on additional tasks and responsibilities, to demonstrate that you are capable. However, this constant need to exceed expectations can be exhausting and unsustainable. It's essential to recognize that securing the job or being offered an opportunity signifies that others have recognized your qualifications and potential. 

3. Avoiding new situations

Imposter syndrome can make you fear stepping outside of your comfort zone and embracing new situations. As a transitioning teacher, you may hesitate to apply for positions you are qualified for, questioning whether you have the necessary skills and expertise. This fear of being exposed as inadequate can hold you back from exploring new avenues and embracing growth opportunities. Remember that transitioning careers is about learning and adapting, and it's natural to encounter new challenges along the way. 

4. Comparing yourself to others

It's easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others who are on different career paths or have different levels of experience. However, this habit of comparison often undermines your confidence and fuels imposter syndrome. Each person's journey is unique, and focusing on others' achievements can diminish your own accomplishments. Instead, redirect your energy towards self-reflection and self-appreciation. Recognize your own progress, skills, and strengths, and celebrate your individual achievements. 

5. Downplaying your accomplishments

Even after successfully landing a job or making progress in your new career, imposter syndrome may lead you to downplay your accomplishments. You might find yourself attributing your achievements to external factors or luck, rather than acknowledging your own efforts and capabilities. It's crucial to break free from this pattern of self-doubt and imposter syndrome by embracing your accomplishments with confidence and pride. Accept congratulations graciously and remind yourself that you have earned your successes through your hard work and dedication. 
If you identify with any of these signs, know that you're not alone.

Many former teachers who have transitioned careers have faced imposter syndrome. It's crucial to recognize and address these feelings to foster personal growth and success. Take time for self-reflection, highlighting your accomplishments and focusing on your strengths. Seek support from mentors, peers, or career coaches who can provide guidance and reassurance during this transition. Remind yourself that you are capable, deserving, and well-prepared to embark on a new career path. With self-belief and determination, you can overcome imposter syndrome and thrive in your chosen field.  If you haven’t yet, join LearnWorld’s Facebook Group, Teacher Career Transitions (LearnWorld). 

About This Post: 

This blog post is based on information shared within the Teacher Career Transition Academy. To learn more about this particular topic, refer to the video title “Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Career Changer” located within the Teacher Career Transition Academy.